Equine Otology Days

Teilnehmerkreis: Tierärzt:innen, vet.-med. Studierende

Zeitraum: 08.03.2024 10:00 - 10.03.2024 - 16:30


Monica Aleman

obtained her veterinary degree at the University UNAM-Mexico. She completed residencies in large animal internal medicine (equine emphasis) and neurology and neurosurgery at UC Davis and achieved board certification for both specialties by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine. She completed a PhD in comparative pathology of neuromuscular diseases at UC Davis. Her research and clinical interest has focused in neurology, neuromuscular and muscle disorders in all species with equine emphasis. Currently, she is a faculty member of the equine internal medicine and neurology services, and Director of the Neuromuscular Disease Laboratory at UC Davis. Monica is one of the founding members of the Equine and Comparative Neurology Research Group, and is affiliated with the Clinical Neurophysiology Laboratory at UC Davis. Currently, she works in the investigation of neuromuscular disorders in multiple species including humans. 


Gerald Schusser

studied veterinary medicine at the University of Vienna and conducted research under the supervision of Nathaniel White on the "Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of the Myenteric Plexus in Horses with Colic" at Virginia Tech University, USA. From 1994 to March 2017 he was Director of the Medical Veterinary Clinic, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Leipzig, and taught the subjects "Internal Diseases of the Horse and Forensic Veterinary Medicine“.


Inge Wijnberg

graduated from the Veterinary faculty of Utrecht University in the Netherlands in 1990. During her study she received a doctorate certificate for the study period in the USA on radiology, anaesthesiology and Intensive Care in 1988. Since 2000she is registered as Specialist KnMvD Equine Internal Medicine. She became Assistant Professor Equine Internal Medicine at the University, Dept. of Equine Sciences, Utrecht University, in 2002 and since 2004 she is a Diplomate of the European College of Equine Internal Medicine. Her areas of expertise are cardiology, neuromuscular disorders/clinical neurophysiology and neonatal intensive care.


An intact acoustic organ and hearing function is of vital importance for natural flight animals like horses. Not diagnosed diseases of the ear and the lack of or reduced hearing may impact the wellbeing and performance of horses. Monica Alemán, Gerald Schusser and Inge Wijnberg will discuss and demonstrate how to examine the ear and evaluate the hearing of horses. Ample opportunity to practice the techniques will be provided for a maximum of 18 participants.

Teilnahmegebühr: 1750 €

Nettobetrag bis 15.02.2024, danach 1850,00 €. Barbecue am 08.03.2024 extra.

Tagungsort: Tierklinik Lüsche, Essener Str. 9 a, 49456, Luesche, Germany,

Programm 08.03.2024 10:00 - 10.03.2024 - 16:30

Friday, March 8, Luesche

Lectures and wet labs; with 2 x 30 minutes coffee break + 1 x 60 minutes lunch

10:00    Begin

10:05   How to examine the ear of normal horses (Pinna, external cartilaginous ear channel, cranial nerves)

11:00   Coffee break

11:30   How to do the endoscopic examination of the external ear channel (cartilaginous and osseus) and tympanic membrane.

12:30   Endoscopic examination of the guttural pouches.

13:30   Lunch

14:30   Participants will rotate between instructors and work on horses for 60 minutes each (stations: 1) examination of the ear; 2) Endoscopic examination of the external ear channel; 3) Endoscopic examination of the guttural pouch).

19:00    End and Barbecue


Saturday, March 9, Luesche

Lectures and wet labs; with 2 x 30 minutes coffee break + 1 x 60 minutes lunch

09:00     Discussion on findings and challenges encountered on day 1

10:00   Brainstem auditory evoked response in normal horses

11:00   Coffee break

11:30   Symptoms and examination of horses with hearing deficit: neurological and endoscopic examination and brainstem auditory evoked response

13:00   Lunch

14:00   Participants will work on horses with the assistance of the instructors in 3 stations for 60 minutes each

18:00    End


Sunday, March 10, Luesche

Lectures and wet labs; with 1 x 30 minutes coffee break + 1 x 60 minutes lunch

08:30     Discussion on challenges encountered on day 2 and case presentations

10:00    Coffee break

10:30    Wet labs: The participants make the diagnosis (3 stations with different horses)

13:00    Lunch

14:00    Discussion of findings, diagnosis and treatments of cases presented

16:30    End


über https://agpferd.com/equine-otology-days

Teilnehmerbegrenzung: 18 Personen

Homepage: agpferd.com/equine-otology-days

Anerkennung: beantragt
Arbeitsgruppe Pferd

Heinrich-Röttgen-Str. 20
52428 Jülich