Certified Veterinary Acupuncture Program (Mixed, Equine or Small Animal Track)
Teilnehmerkreis: Tierärzt:innen, vet.-med. Studierende
Zeitraum: 15.03.2024 08:00 - 24.10.2024 - 18:00
Referenten:Dr. Huisheng Xie Dr. Roger Clemmons, Dr. Cheryl Chrisman, Dr. Gregory Todd, Dr. Carla Pasteur, Dr. Terri Rosado, Dr. Stacie Atria, Dr. Michael Bartholomew, Dr. John Langlois, Dr. Vickie Harvey, Dr. Connie DiNatale, Dr. Cindy West, Dr. Allison Faber Marshall, Dr. Carolina Medina, Dr. Margaret Fowler
The course will be taught in english. It is a hybrid course, so the lectures will be online and the onsite portion will be in 88145 Hergatz, Germany. You will find the onsite sessions under the "Präsenzveranstaltungen". You can only book the whole course and you must start at session one and continue along in order.
Teilnahmegebühr: 6150 €
plus 100,00 € application fee. The course fee is for the complete course, SA and EQ track is less, please see the homepage for further informations.
Programm 15.03.2024 08:00 - 03.05.2024 - 18:00
Session 1 (online) This segment of the course discusses the scientific basis and TCVM foundation of veterinary acupuncture. Through the 22‐hour* online lectures (mixed practice track), and upon completion of the class, students will be able to:
- define the mechanism of how acupuncture relieves pain and stimulate internal organ functions.
- understand the general pathway of 14 Regular Channels/Meridians and special anatomic structures of acupuncture points.
- understand theoretical concepts of Yin‐Yang, Eight Principles, Five elements, Zang‐fu Physiology
- describe three essential factors, general rules, indication and contraindications of acupuncture in veterinary practice, and also requirements to start acupuncture in veterinary practice.
Programm 04.05.2024 08:00 - 03.06.2024 - 18:00
Session 2 (hybrid) This portion of the course (22‐hour lectures; additional 2 hours bonus lectures, MIX track) discusses the special acupuncture points including Five‐Shu Transporting Points, Back‐Shu Association Points, Mu‐Alarming Points, and Yuan‐Source Points, Influential Points, Lower He‐sea Points, Luo‐Connecting Points and Xi‐Cleft Points. The course also reviews the Five Elements and Zang‐Fu physiology and pathology. Students will also learn the Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medical diagnostic basis, and real‐world implementation of acupuncture clinical usage, including pain management, lameness, musculoskeletal disorders, osteoarthritis, gastrointestinal and respiratory Disorders. Upon completion of the class, students will be able to
- define and describe 5 groups of special acupuncture points.
- evaluate and know how to select acupuncture points for the treatment of lameness, osteoarthritis, diarrhea, constipation, cough, and asthma.
Programm 04.06.2024 08:00 - 24.07.2024 - 18:00
Session 3 (online) This course consists of 32‐hour online lectures (MIX track) and discusses in‐depth traditional Chinese veterinary medical (TCVM) theories including Jing, Qi, Shen, Body Fluids and Blood. The unique TCVM diagnosis including tongue and pulse, Eight Extraordinary Channels and Etiology and Pathology are also discussed. The course provides tools and techniques on how to make a sound traditional Chinese medical diagnosis. The course also provides a systematic approach to avian and exotic animals (SA and MIX tracks only) using acupuncture and TCVM. Upon completion of the class, students will be able to
- have a deeper knowledge of the fundamental principles of Chinese Medicine.
- define and describe a TCVM diagnosis in daily clinical cases
- make an acupuncture treatment plan of special conditions such as musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal, and respiratory diseases.
Programm 25.07.2024 08:00 - 29.08.2024 - 18:00
Session 4 (hybrid): This course consists of 31 hours and introduces case examples showing how to put traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) principles, acupuncture points and techniques together. Emphasis is placed on clinical application of TCVM and acupuncture to diagnose and treat the liver, kidney and heart diseases, behavior, and skin problems, as well as cancer and immune‐mediated disorders. The course also provides a systematic approach to feline and exotic animals using acupuncture and TCVM. Upon completion of the class, students will be able to
- define and describe the TCVM tools and methods to treat internal medical disorders.
- demonstrate the skills to improve the efficacy of acupuncture treatments and integrate acupuncture into daily practice in both large and small animals.
Programm 30.08.2024 08:00 - 24.10.2024 - 18:00
Session 5 (hybrid): This portion of the course (19 lectures) reviews not only the advanced acupuncture techniques including electro‐ acupuncture and moxibustion, but also how to approach internal medical diseases using the traditional Chinese medical modality. The material in the class introduces case examples showing how to put everything together in order to diagnose and treat liver and renal diseases, behavior and skin problems, as well as gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, and respiratory disorders. The course provides a systematic approach to the principles and practices of traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM). Upon completion of the class, students will be able to
- define clinical application in all aspects of Five Element Disorders, reproductive and endocrine diseases;
- describe and evaluate management of real‐world clinical cases, tools, and methods of how to promote TCVM and integrate it into daily practice.
Please enroll on the homepage https://chiu.edu/courses/ACUP102_DEU_EN For further questions please email to: Germany@chiu.edu Imke Tratsis (Fragen können auf deutsch oder englisch gestellt werden) phone: 0049157 82649731
Teilnehmerbegrenzung: 20 Personen
Homepage: chiu.edu/courses/ACUP102_DEU_EN
Technische Voraussetzungen: PC oder Laptop mit schnellem Internetanschluss (ab ISDN aufwärts, besser DSL), Lautsprechern oder Headset, Browser mit aktuellem Flash-Plugin.
Anerkennung: 84 (online+onsite)Veranstalter

Chi Germany
Epplings 1
88239 Wangen im Allgäu