Diagnostics for practitioners: World congress of dermatology
Teilnehmerkreis: Tierärzt:innen
Zeitraum: 24.09.2024 19:00 - 19:45
Referenten:Dr. Regina Wagner
Teilnahmegebühr: 0 €
Programm 24.09.2024 19:00 - 19:45
Diagnostics for practitioners
Short and sweet: Discover the secrets of sample handling, result interpretation, and vital differentials – all in only 45 minutes.
News from the world congress of dermatology
In July, the world congress of veterinary dermatology (WCVD) took place in Boston, USA. Our dermatologists attended the congress and have summarized the most important updates from the world of skin diseases in animals for you.
Teilnehmerbegrenzung: 1000 Personen
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